About Ana

My journey began in the heart of Croatia, where I grew up, studied and worked until a tall, charming guy from the Netherlands captured my heart and tricked me into leaving the country I hold so dear.

After moving to the Netherlands, I had the opportunity to work in an international environment, which brought me in contact with a host of people from all over the world. Apart from my professional duties I have always found inspiration in sharing with them my love for the beautiful part of the world where I spent my youth.
That place where people enjoy their daily coffee outside before going to work. Spirited people that do amazing things and take the extra step to help. People take pride in creating quality and beauty in hidden corners.

Though I have enjoyed spreading the word on Croatian craft inside the international community of The Hague, I have decided to follow my dream and create a platform to shine a light on those corners and help you discover the amazing designs they hold.
This platform connects you to Croatia. It is a space to showcase and support Croatian designers, and maybe one day also artists, cosmetics producers, unique travel experiences, open to everyone, everywhere.

My vision does not stop there; it also aimed at creating a positive impact. When our platform thrives, I plan to use part of the profits for socially impactful projects, especially in Croatian areas that need attention. By encouraging healthy entrepreneurship and supporting initiatives led by women, I hope to make a lasting difference.

Wada&Co isn't just a business venture for me; it's a way to give back to the community and the world. I'm thrilled at the chance to share Croatia's love with the world, allowing everyone to feel that warmth from the comfort of their own homes.

Wada&Co – Your Journey into the Croatian Heart of Creativity and Elegance


And what about Wada?

This is our story…

Amidst the holiday chaos of Christmas 2021, life took an unexpected turn for me.

We were eagerly anticipating the arrival of a German Pinscher into our little family. The waiting lists from breeders had us thinking we had to be patient.

Surprisingly, a call came during the festive season, catching us completely off guard. Our home renovations were still in progress, and our schedules were packed. Nonetheless, we agreed to attend the meet-and-greet, and that's when our lives took a delightful twist.

Nine adorable puppies greeted us, each vying for our attention. One particularly spirited pup took a liking to me, playfully climbing onto my lap. Within 15 minutes, all the puppies huddled around our family. That's how I met Wada - she was that puppy that licked me first.

Wada, with her joyful and energetic spirit, instantly captured our hearts. She seamlessly became the missing piece that brought our family together. Despite the ongoing renovations and time constraints, having Wada around made the process much more enjoyable.

Wada's infectious enthusiasm became my daily inspiration. Her presence added a spark to every moment – whether it was a casual coffee date or a brisk walk. She wasn't just a pet; she was a source of comfort and support, lifting my spirits even in the most challenging circumstances. Wada became my furry therapist, intuitively understanding when I needed a moment of calm and providing the solace required to face the next challenge with renewed energy.

As Wada's presence enriched my life, I felt compelled to share this joy with the world. The idea of an online shop supporting Croatian designers, artists, cosmetics producers, and offering unique tourist experiences — all accessible worldwide, took root, and I named it "Wada & Co." – a homage to the little spirit lifter who had become an integral part of our lives.

Shopping at Wada & Co. is an invitation to embrace the joy and positivity that Wada brings into my life and the rich tapestry of Croatian culture. 

Join me in the world of Wada & Co., where fashion meets inspiration, and where every style tells a story of joy!

Style Yourself with Croatia's Finest – Because it will lift you up!

Click, Shop, and Treat Yourself to a Touch of Adriatic Elegance and Creativity.