Thank You

I am grateful for the incredible support and assistance of my family and friends during the process of building my online platform. From the very beginning, many of you believed in my vision and capabilities and offered your unwavering support. Whether it was providing feedback on the website design, sharing your expertise in marketing, or running a business, or simply lending an ear during moments of doubt, your guidance and encouragement have been instrumental in bringing my platform to life.

I am especially appreciative to Vesna Horvat ( for designing the Wada&Co logo and identity, my associate Matea Macan (, for the help in building the platform and UX design comprehension, my business coach Remi Brouns ( for his positivism and business insights, my friend Jelena Filipaj ( for helping with marketing approach and About Wada&Co text and my niece Maja Kovačić ( for helping with the blog.


Thank you, Hippy Garden, LINK by Ogi and Kristina Rocks’n’Stones for daring to enter this adventure with me!


And finally, I would like to thank my husband Rein van Winden for his constant support and overall help with his creative mind and IT and writing skills.